How to lift and store dahlia tubers.

So the frosts have come and your dahlias have gone black, don't panic, here's what I do with mine now.

Cut back the dahlias to a couple of inches, this will also make lifting them easier.
Then with a fork or spade (I use a fork) gently lift the earth around the tubers, don't dig down directly on them as you may break them, instead come out a bit from the plant and very gently lift, you should feel it give.

Carefully remove the earth making sure to be careful around the tubers that you don't accidentally pull them off, I then bring mine indoors for a few days so the earth can dry off and then it falls away much easier.

I then label each one with a luggage tag and wrap in newspaper, these tubers then go on a shelf in my greenhouse.

If you don't have a greenhouse then just somewhere cool and dry will be fine.

I know some people do leave their dahlias in, if you want to do this method then cut them down now then apply a very thick mulch of compost to tuck them in, just remember to remove it in May.

My next dahlia post will be in February when I'll let you know what I do next.



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