My September


Well, September was manic. 

We did some wonderful things, like going to Lake Como and strolling around some amazing gardens.
For me there is no beating an English garden but, I'm always curious to look around gardens in other countries and what they manage to grow.

We stayed at a beautiful guest house with an amazing garden/olive grove.
The owners were keen on homegrown produce and my hubby took great pleasure in sharing with them all of our snaps of what we grow back home, they were mostly surprised and impressed by our figs that we manage to get ripe.

We also had a wonderful time at +Green and Gorgeous Oxfordshire Cut Flowers on their 'How to grow flowers for cutting' course.
Read more about that in my post here.

And the perfect end was a trip to the Malvern country show where we got to have a chat with fellow growers from Flowers From The Farm, a network of British flower growers that A Bunch Of Wild has recently become a member of (more about that later).
We also stocked up on spring bulbs and other goodies.

October is going to be busy as we turn our whole garden into a cutting garden!
We've bulbs to plant, seeds to sow, plants to divide and roses to mulch.

Bring it on!


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